Fore Play

This comedy film revolves around the unusual life of a fictional former American president (Zero Mostel) as he reveals the reasons behind his loss of...

Starring: Andrew Duncan, Annie Korzen, Estelle Parsons, Garry Goodrow, George King, George Planco, George S Irving, Irwin Corey, Jack Hollander, Jerry Orbach, Joe Cirillo, Laurie Heineman, Louisa Moritz, Pat Paulsen, Paul Dooley, Robert Dryden, Ron Cummins, Sudie Bond, Thayer David, Tom McDermott, Zero Mostel
Genre: Comedy
Countries: USA
Directors: John G Avildsen
Release Date: March 12, 1975
Runtime: 75 mins
IMDb Rating: Fore Play (1975) on IMDb

1.50/5 - (4 Votes)

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