Let Go

Follows the intertwining stories of Walter Dishman, a melancholy parole officer struggling with the doldrums of married life, and three eccentric...

Starring: Alexandra Holden, Amy Stiller, Barbara Perry, Brande Roderick, Brian Huskey, Brian Palermo, Bunny Levine, Catherine Reitman, David Denman, Dayo Ade, Deborah Theaker, Dov Davidoff, Edward Asner, Garrett Morris, Gillian Jacobs, Jack Carter, Jeremy Denzlinger, John Kaiser, Jonathan Spencer, Kevin Hart, Kirk Fox, Kristin Minter, Maria Thayer, Peggy McCay, R
Genre: Comedy
Countries: USA
Directors: Brian Jett
Release Date: October 25, 2011
Runtime: 95 mins
IMDb Rating: Let Go (2011) on IMDb

4.23/5 - (9 Votes)

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