Silver City

Set against the backdrop of a mythic "New West," a satire that follows grammatically-challenged, "user-friendly" candidate Dicky Pilager, scapegrace...

Starring: Alma Delfina, Billy Zane, Charles Mitchell, Chris Cooper, Danny Huston, Daryl Hannah, David Clennon, David Russell, James Gammon, Jan Van Sickle, Kris Kristofferson, Luis Saguar, Maggie Roswell, Maria Bello, Mary Kay Place, Michael Murphy, Miguel Ferrer, Ralph Waite, Rich Beall, Richard Dreyfuss, Sal Lopez, Thora Birch, Tim Roth
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Thriller, Mystery
Countries: USA
Directors: John Sayles
Release Date: May 13, 2004
Runtime: 128 mins
IMDb Rating: Silver City (2004) on IMDb

2.90/5 - (21 Votes)

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